1:1 Intervention
Literacy & Numeracy Assessments

Lisa Price offers expertise in Early intervention in Literacy and Numeracy.

She has completed Post Graduate level studies in Learning Difficulties and high distinctions in intervention for early Maths and Literacy difficulties.

As such she is well equipped to Assess your child’s needs and uses diagnostic tests which guide her planning for intervention.

She will help navigate you in the right direction if any outside health professionals such as Paediatricians, Speech Pathologists, Educational Psychologists and Occupational Therapists need to be sought.

She will also work with your child’s teacher and outside specialists to achieve the best result for your child. She can read their reports and help you to understand them, explaining what they mean in terms of ongoing learning support.

1:1 Intervention sessions

Sessions working one on one with your child are the most effective way to work on an individual plan and program for your child’s specific needs.

Intervention plans and sessions identify the gaps in your child’s learning while using their strengths to help achieve their goals.
When working this way we can also incorporate any work or specific skills that your child’s school or outside specialist has flagged as being important.

We can look at the school reports and any other Specialist reports and determine a plan that meets your child’s needs.

1:1 Intervention sessions are $95 and can be scheduled within school hours or at set times arranged by Lisa.

A prior Assessment is required before any 1:1 sessions commence. Separate fees apply- see below for more details.


    There are times when a parent may feel uncertain as to whether the feed back they are getting from school at interviews or on their reports matches their perception of how their child is progressing.
    If the Assessment confirms the school’s feedback is correct then Lisa can explain why this is to you. If the Assessment varies from the school’s feedback and reporting Lisa will explain how and why. This information may highlight the need to re assess the child’s individual needs plan at school or indeed seek the assistance of specialists such as Speech Pathologists, Educational Psychologists, Audiologists  or Learning Difficulty specialists such as SPELD. Lisa can offer direction in this area.

    Assessments also fine tune where your child needs help in Literacy and Numeracy specifically and then this information will guide successful outcomes in the 1:1 Intervention sessions.

    It may be that the Assessment results show that your child would be more suited to our small class sessions and that you may not need 1:1 to achieve the desired outcomes.

    Sometimes the Assessment , being diagnostic and offering standardised results ascertaining reading and spelling ages and phonological deficits can be an excellent indicator that a child may have a learning disability. Learning difficulties/issues and disability are very different but may not be picked up at school.

    The Assessment involves a brief discussion with parents before it takes place and afterwards when we talk about the results and plan moving forward.

    Assessments can be a stand alone and used to help with school IEP’s or to source another tutor who can refer to the recommendations in the Assessment report to guide them.

    Assessment Fee is $450 and includes the service of

    Face to Face Assessment with child 1 hr

    Follow up discussion with parents 30 mins

    Emailed report of testing results and Recommendations

    Advocacy for child and parents

    Lisa Price is also available as an advocate for your child and can visit their school helping to support you with positive and effective communication and learning outcomes.

    A major part of her Post Graduate study was focussed on the issues children and parents face when their child has a learning difficulty or disability and constructive collaborative practise in managing these issues.

    Having taught in schools for over 15 years, being a mother of 3 children herself and running Love2learn she can see difficulties from both sides of the fence and is equipped to help with positive outcomes.

    Wellbeing of children and families faced with these issues was a research study that helped her realise how beneficial it would be to have a support and advocate for your child.

    Opportunities to explore this service further can be discussed at any time.

    Love 2 Learn Programs

    Classes in Literacy and Numeracy to develop confidence and a love of learning helping your child to transition to school and build firm foundations in their Early Primary years.


    “My daughter adores Lisa and the Love2Learn program. The classes have taught her to read and prepare her for starting prep next year. Lisa’s classes are fun, interactive and educational!”

    Emily Beard

    “Lisa’s program has been purposely designed by her to educate and teach the children in a fun and interactive way. I recommend the Love 2 Learn program to anyone who wants to give their child the best start with their literacy.”

    Natalie Nicolaci

    “We’ve been attending Lover2Learn for 4 years. Lisa is patient and they really enjoy her teaching and learning activities . Through the Love2Learn program, our boys are both well prepared when they start school.”

    Jennifer Tan

    “I heard about Love2Learn earlier this year & I must say that this is the best learning experience my daughter has had over the year. Lisa is simply AMAZING! She is patient, very encouraging & kind. Kids love her!!!

    Sharen Jassar


    M 0425727668

    E love2learn@outlook.com.au

    46a Hamilton Street
    Mont Albert Shopping Village
    Mont Albert 3127

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