Love 2 Learn
Teaching foundational skills in reading, writing, spelling and numeracy because every child deserves the best start to school and to Love2learn.

About Love 2 Learn
Love2learn is multidimensional in its approach to early learning offering classes, holiday programs, one to one intervention, assessments and support for early learning issues.
Our highly engaging literacy and numeracy 3yo and 4-6yo classes for Pre school children help to bridge the gap between what kindergarten offers and what your child needs and is ready to learn giving them the best start to school they can have. Classes are designed to teach your child to read, write, spell and learn basic number skills so they can begin school with confidence. Early primary classes for Prep,Yr1 and 2 are run after school teaching them foundational skills in learning to read, write and spell.
The latest research on ‘the science of reading and learning’ is at the heart of the literacy and numeracy program. Using the ‘Little Learners Love Literacy’ program and best practice strategies in teaching early numeracy aligned with the Victorian curriculum our classes bring out the best in your child’s foundational development. Our fabulous Holiday programs are full of fun and learning adventures. Designed to consolidate skills, each holiday there is a different focus and theme. Children enjoy holiday activities in a small inclusive group.
Love2learn offers you personalised service from a committed and highly experienced teacher, Lisa Price, who owns and runs it, in a bright studio room set up as an Early years classroom. Small classes support the development of social skills and allow for individual attention and participation.
Lisa’s very own “Little Learning Lab” has been designed specifically for children with learning difficulties beginning in Pre school and Primary school. This is a collaboration of intensive one to one support, assessments and advocacy providing early identification and intervention and working in collaboration with kinder, school and allied health professionals making the best outcome for your child the priority.
Meet Lisa Price
Lisa Price lives and works in her local community of 30+ years she is a mother of 3 daughters and a highly experienced Primary teacher specialising in Early Literacy and Numeracy development Lisa has taught in schools for over 15 years and has a Post Graduate degree specialising in Learning Difficulties.
She is passionate about providing children and their families all the knowledge and support they need in navigating their child’s journey with learning challenges and with best practice in teaching reading, writing, spelling and maths to build your child’s confidence and success.
She has been able to incorporate her current knowledge and skills in this area to redefine her classes and intervention sessions to provide the best in services and practice to support children in their foundational years. She is dedicated to early intervention as she knows the positive impact it can make on a child’s education and life long wellbeing. Lisa has run Love2learn for 7 years in Mont Albert.

Weekly Classes
4-6 Yo (School Readiness)
Prep, Year 1, Year 2/3

Holiday Programs
Small groups up to 12 children.
Pre school age and early Primary.

Assessments / School Support
1:1 Intervention Sessions
Learning Difficulties and Specific Learning Disorders , Advocacy for your child.
Classes Available
Classes in Literacy and Numeracy to develop confidence and a love of learning helping your child to transition to school and build firm foundations in their Early Primary years.
Term Timetable
Prep Class - 4:00 - 5:15pm
(Mont Albert Studio)
4-6yo Class 9.30-11.00am
( Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre)
Year 1 Class - 4:00 - 5:15pm
(Mont Albert Studio)
4-6 Yo Class 9:30 - 11:00am
(Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre)
Year 2/3 Class - 4:00 - 5:15pm
(Mont Albert Studio)
4-6 Yo Class 9:30 - 11:00am
(Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre)
© Copyright Love 2 Learn 2022